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      Hot search: Zirconium plate

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      The quality of titanium plates depends on the smelting process!

      Date:2024-03-04 16:53:08       Number of views:

      Titanium plates have high corrosion resistance and specific strength, and are widely used in fields such as power, chemical, aviation components, building materials, sports equipment, medical, etc., and are still expanding. Titanium plates have the advantages of low price, high performance, multiple functions, and easy production.

      The quality of titanium plates largely depends on the smelting process, including the chemical composition of titanium, the cleanliness of titanium water (gases, harmful elements, inclusions), and the quality of steel billets (component segregation, decarburization, and surface condition), which are all key control points for smelting operations. In addition, industrial titanium plates also require sufficient hardenability to ensure uniform microstructure and mechanical properties of the entire spring segment. The oxide inclusions in titanium are the main cause of fatigue cracks, and the damage of D inclusions to fatigue life is greater than that of B inclusions.

      Due to its special physical and chemical properties, the welding process of titanium plates is very different from other metals. Titanium welding is a TIG welding process that effectively protects the welding area using inert argon gas. Before using argon gas, check the factory certificate of the bottle body to confirm the purity index of the argon gas, and then check whether the bottle valve is leaking or ineffective. There is no contamination of active gas N0h and harmful impurity element CFeMn in the welding area metal above 250 ℃. Purity not less than 99.98%, moisture content less than 50mg/m32 argon gas, industrial grade pure argon gas, can form coarse crystal structure. The welding process must be carried out according to the predetermined construction sequence and cannot generate significant welding residual stress and residual deformation.

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